Projects 2019
Projects 2019
Works report
The Smart Share Farm 4.0 2019
This section is dedicated to the progress of the 2019 projects. You will find here all the descriptions and the pictures of the activities.
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February 2020. 20 Celsius! Let’s start the first pruning
February 1st, 2020. Ten months later the plantation we started to prune our babies. They sprout from the bottom and we have to leave just the main branch going vertical. We spent three days to do it.
At the same time we are adding to any plant a square of mulching material because we produce bio so no chemicals at all is the paradise of the bad weeds. See in the pics before and after the pruning.

Summer Update – 38 Celsius!! Hot Hot Hot weather
August 1st, 2019. Three months later the plantation we are quite satisfied. Consider that never rained in this period except one day for a few hours. Temperature touched 38 some days ago and the average of the last weeks was about 32.
We had to increase the night watering and we are passing the critical period. Some of the plants that were critical have bloomed again. Once a week we clean manually the bad weeds near the plants. The lanes between the rows have been cleaned with a tractor with the milling tool.

It is done!
May 8th, 2019. We finished the operations! We have also setup the irrigation system and we can now wait that roots start to propagate. Here below the house of Su Merti base of the operations.

On May 7th meanwhile we were finishing the watering system we have to water the small plants manually…..
It took hours to make the full around.

On Monday May 6th we started to install the irrigation system. About 2,0 kms of drop pipelines
Meanwhile we mounted the system of pump, filtering and fertilization of the irrigation.

On April 30th we received the plants.
We have to move some trees that were on the field and we started to drill the ground. 1600 holes!!

On April 25th we afford the ground with a most powerful tool that accomplished perfectly the goal.
After the passage the ground was clean and morbid and ready to go.

During winter 2018 we made the first work called ripping. The tractor cut the ground in deep but without turning over. This is what needed for an arboreal plantation. The humus stays on surface and the roots will have good environment to grow.
On April 24th 2019, in late of about two weeks because it was always raining, we made the first try to shred the surface but there was too much weeds on it. So we had to change the tool.