
Projects 2019 






How we did start

The Smart Share Farm 4.0 2019 Project


During the year 2019, we installed about 1600 plants of olive trees in the first module of one hectare (2,5 Acres) located in an area called Su Merti (Map) in the County of Iglesias, South-West of Sardinia, Italy. This is a very intense concentration of young trees planted along lines distant 4 meters one from the other, with 1,50 meters between plants, an approach which is very similar to the vineyards technique. See the picture on top an example of a similar plantation in the third year.

We installed a specific cultivar (botanic type) of olive trees featured by not being too eager in growing because we need to stay in specific dimensions of a long bush, and with short-term harvest results. Other two qualities are the precocious production and the constancy in yearly production.  The first crop is expected to be harvested in the third year (one third about of maximum possible production) and the full production is expected during the fifth. See the picture with the infographic.

We expect to gather the olive fruits for a full production of about 1.200/1.600 liters per year per hectare (about 300/420 gallons).  This is a very large production of extra virgin olive oil if compared to the traditional way, which is usually about 200 trees per hectare and much later full production results. See the picture where is a sample of the cultivar of olive trees that we are planning to plant.

This kind of installation permits the mechanical harvesting (see the picture with a similar installation) that increases the productivity and the quality of the olive oil,  reduces the damages to the trees, reduces labour costs for the harvesting, and has a more constant yearly production (reduced alternate harvest). See the picture with a similar plantation in Italy during harvesting. 

The investment

The investment for this start up year was needed for the land lease, the installation of the trees, the watering system and the types of machinery needed. We needed to buy a small tractor with the accessories to remove weeds, and to build a recovery for all the facilities. We will have to pay the variable costs as the water, the periodical organic fertilization and the work needed from external advisors and workers.